Services Offered

Facial Cupping

 Your cheeks and lips will plump whereas lines, wrinkles, and scar tissue will soften from the negative pressure, making it an exceptionally powerful and surprisingly relaxing enhancement to advanced facial treatments.

The muscles of the face benefit greatly from the reduction of tension and tightness, releasing expression lines and loosening rigid muscles associated with TMJ disorders.

Sinus infections and inflammation are also directly relieved by the loosening and draining effects of the cups – many times resolving issues that many sufferers commonly turned to more radical procedures to correct.

Abdominal Cupping

Cupping is an excellent therapy for the belly. It stretches the walls of the organs, thus sloughing off stagnant waste and mucus and overall promote the activity of digestion.

People consistently report expelling an excess amount of waste immedietely follwing treatments and an increase of eliminations througout the day.

Cupping is regularly, and with great success, being used to help in conception, handle IBS, constipation, diarhea, distention and acidity.

Orthopedic Cupping Stubborn conditions that may have been present for decades are easily resolved with Cupping.

Nothing works better at opening up and releasing joints, connective tissue and muscles than the use of negative pressure and movement.

Detoxification Treatments

One misinterpretation of the marks that sometimes occur as result of Cupping are that they are bruises.

Unless the Cupping was done too strong in a contraindicated case, no “bruising” occurs.

What these marks under the skin are, post Cupping, is stagnation, dead cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and most importantly – Toxins being drawn out of the biosystem. Some capillary seepage occurs, but it is minimal to the acidic agents being removed.

Blood tests have been done to measure the levels of toxins, pesticides and acids being drawn out of the body with shocking results.

Swedish Massage

The most favored and clinically researched type of massage. It is known for its long gliding strokes that ease the client into deep relaxation.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. A soft touch is used to release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system.

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