
Joshua Gibbs has been practicing the healing arts since November 2009 when he was certified in Reiki I and II.

After his mom died in November 2011 from a rare and devastating autoimmune disease, dermatomyositis, Joshua believes more than ever in the importance of helping people overcome chronic pain. He believes in a holistic approach to balancing the the mind, body, and spirit in order to maintain health and wellness for a lifetime.

Joshua is a Certified massage therapist #12194, an Internationally certified cupping therapist, and a level II Tibetan/Usui Reiki practicioner. He is proficient in various bodywork modalities including cupping therapy, deep tissue, swedish massage, and craniosacral therapy.

Joshua practices massage therapy in Long Beach, CA where he also, practices herbal medicine, and continues tai chi and kung fu training at the Lao Kune Do Temple of Martial Arts.CAMTCICTA


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